Supporting the Anti-Idiotarian Manifesto | 08 Aug 03 |
You can show support on your web pages with the following buttons linking back to the Manifesto page. First, for Javascript-capable browsers, this one:
To include it, paste in the following:
<script language="JavaScript"> function swtchon(nav){document[nav].src=""}; function swtchoff(nav){document[nav].src=""}; </script> <a href=""> <img name="aim" width=100 height=40 border=0 src="" onMouseover="swtchon('aim')" onMouseout="swtchoff('aim')" alt="Click to Read" title="Click to Read"/></a></p>
Here's a static button:
To include this, paste in the following:
<img name="aim-thumb-button.png" border=0 src=""/>
If you're here by accident, you can read some background. The Manifesto itself is here.