
microjson is a tiny parser for the largest subset of JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) that can be unpacked to C static storage. It uses entirely fixed-extent memory, no malloc(). It is thus very suitable for use in memory-constrained environments such as embedded systems; also for long-running service daemons that must provably not leak memory.

microjson is extremely well-tested code. This is essentially the same parser used in GPSD and its client libraries, which have hundreds of millions of deployments underneath Google Maps in Android phones.

microjson parses JSON from string input and unpacks the content directly into static storage declared by the calling program. You give it a set of template structures describing the expected shape of the incoming JSON, and it will error out if that shape is not matched. When the parse succeeds, attribute values will be extracted into static locations specified in the template structures.

How To Use This Document

This is a fast tutorial for working programmers. It teaches by examples; if you read the code carefully it will tell you more than the accompanying text. Just read it in sequence, trying not to skip anything.

All the examples are shipped in the microjson distribution. Most are not synthetic toys, but stripped-down versions of working code from GPSD. Copy them freely. You may also want to look at the source for test_microjson.c, the regression test; it exercises most cases.

An Example

Here is nearly the simplest possible example:

Example 1
 * Parse JSON shaped like '{"flag1":true,"flag2":false,"count":42}'

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdbool.h>

#include "mjson.h"

static bool flag1, flag2;
static int count;

static const struct json_attr_t json_attrs[] = {
    {"count",   t_integer, .addr.integer = &count},
    {"flag1",   t_boolean, .addr.boolean = &flag1,},
    {"flag2",   t_boolean, .addr.boolean = &flag2,},

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    int status = 0;

    status = json_read_object(argv[1], json_attrs, NULL);
    printf("status = %d, count = %d, flag1 = %d, flag2 = %d\n",
	   status, count, flag1, flag2);
    if (status != 0)

And here are some invocations:

$ example1 '{"flag1":true,"flag2":false,"count":42}'
status = 0, count = 42, flag1 = 1, flag2 = 0

$ example1 '{"flag1":true,"flag2":false,"count":23}'
status = 0, count = 23, flag1 = 1, flag2 = 0

$ example1 '{"whozis":true,"flag2":false,"count":23}'
status = 3, count = 0, flag1 = 0, flag2 = 0
unknown attribute name

$ example1 '{"flag1":true,"flag2":false,"count":23,"whozis":"whatsis"}'
status = 3, count = 23, flag1 = 1, flag2 = 0
unknown attribute name

The json_read_object() call unpacks the values in the argument JSON object into three static variables. In many uses the target locations would instead be storage in some static structure instance.

In this example, the json_attrs structure array associates each possible member name with a type and a target address. The function json_read_object() treats this array of constants as parsing instructions.

When an unexpected attribute name is encountered, the parser normally terminates, returning an error status (but it is possible to make the parser ignore unknown attributes instead). Attributes and values parsed before a terminating error modify their target storage.

The parser recognizes a wider range of types than this, and the template structures can specify defaults when an expected JSON attribute is omitted. Most of the rest is details.

Theory of Operation

The parser is a simple state machine that walks the input looking for syntactically well-formed attribute-value pairs. Each time it finds one, it looks up the name in the template structure array driving the parse. The type tells it how to interpret the value; the target address tells it where to put the value.

Syntax errors, or any unknown attribute name, terminate the parse. That is unless the wildcard ignore option is used.

One consequence to be aware of is that if an input JSON object contains multiple attribute-value pairs with the same attribute, the associated storage will be modified each time and only the last setting will be effective.

Simple Value Types

The type field of a json_attr_t structure can have the following 'simple' alternatives, each corresponding to an atomic JSON value:

t_check: Value of this attribute must match a specified string, or the parse will fail with a distinguishable error.

t_integer: Parse a single signed integer literal, copy the value to a C int location. Uses strtol().

t_uinteger: Parse a single signed integer literal, copy the value to a C unsigned int location. Uses strtoul().

t_real: Parse a single signed float literal, copy the value to a C double location. Uses strtod().

t_boolean: Accept one of the JSON literals true or false, copy the value to a C bool location. Numeric literal 0 is accepted as equivalent to false, numeric literal 1 as true.

t_string: Accept a JSON string literal, copy the contents to a C char buffer.

t_character: Accept a single-character JSON string literal, copy that character to a C char location.

t_time: Accept a string that is an RFC3339 timestamp (full ISO-8601 date/time in Zulu time with optional fractional decimal seconds). Store as a double value, seconds since Unix epoch. Accepted only if the code was built with -DTIME_ENABLE; introduces a dependency on the glibc function timegm().

Associated with each simple value type’s storage (in the addr union) is a correspondingly-named field in the dflt union). This is a default value which is copied to the target storage when the JSON object does not contain the corresponding attribute. You can turn off this defaulting behavior by setting the nodefault member to true.

Enumerated-value types

The parser includes support for string attributes with controlled vocabularies.

A json_attr_t instance with a t_integer or t_uinteger type field can point at a map (an array of json_enum_t structures) that lists names and pairs of integral values. If this is done, the parser expects the values of the JSON attribute to be strings but internally maps them to corresponding integer values before setting the target storage. An un-enumerated string value causes the parse to error out.

(Case 8 in the unit test source code illustrates how to use this feature.)

Compound Value Types

The following cases do not parse JSON value atoms:

Skip fields

t_ignore: Value of this attribute is ignored. Significant because unexpected attribute names cause the parse to terminate with error.

The attribute value must be a scalar (numeric, string, or bool). Ignoring attributes with object or array values is not yet supported (this may change in a future release).

An empty attribute name may be used to wildcard ignore all unknown fields. Use this with caution, and always as penultimate to the terminating NULL in the definition sreucture.


t_object: It is possible to parse JSON objects within JSON objects. See case 14 in the unit test for an example.

Parallel arrays ===

t_array: Value of this attribute is expected to be a homogenous array. Another field of the structure specifies the array’s element type, which can be any simple type or t_object (meaning a JSON subobject).

If the array has simple elements, three additional things must be specified: the base address of the array’s storage, the maximum number of elements it can have, and an integer address where the parser will place a count of elements filled in.

Simple array values always default to zero for numeric types, false for booleans, and NULL for strings.

The array element type may be t_object, as in the satellites field in this example:

Example 2
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#include "mjson.h"

#define MAXCHANNELS 72

static bool usedflags[MAXCHANNELS];
static int PRN[MAXCHANNELS];
static int elevation[MAXCHANNELS];
static int azimuth[MAXCHANNELS];
static int visible;

const struct json_attr_t sat_attrs[] = {
    {"PRN",	t_integer, .addr.integer = PRN},
    {"el",	t_integer, .addr.integer = elevation},
    {"az",	t_integer, .addr.integer = azimuth},
    {"used",	t_boolean, .addr.boolean = usedflags},

const struct json_attr_t json_attrs_sky[] = {
    {"class",      t_check,   .dflt.check = "SKY"},
    {"satellites", t_array,   .addr.array.element_type = t_object,
			      .addr.array.maxlen = MAXCHANNELS,
			      .addr.array.count = &visible},

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    int i, status = 0;

    status = json_read_object(argv[1], json_attrs_sky, NULL);
    printf("%d satellites:\n", visible);
    for (i = 0; i < visible; i++)
	printf("PRN = %d, elevation = %d, azimuth = %d\n",
	       PRN[i], elevation[i], azimuth[i]);

    if (status != 0)

Here’s an example invocation (string literal folded for readability):

$ example2 '{"class":"SKY","satellites":
2 satellites:
PRN = 10, elevation = 45, azimuth = 196
PRN = 29, elevation = 67, azimuth = 310

In this case, the parser needs to be told where to find a template array describing how to parse the element objects. The target addresses in this structure will point to the base addressees of parallel arrays. The arrays are filled in until the parser runs out of conforming JSON sub-objects to parse or would exceed the maxlen count of elements.

More formally: parallel object arrays take one base address per object subfield, and are mapped into parallel C arrays (one per subfield). Strings are not supported in this kind of array, as they don’t have a "natural" fixed size to use as an offset multiplier.

The default of array elements is always zero (false for booleans, NULL for strings).

Structure arrays

There’s a different way to parse arrays that can unpack an array of JSON objects directly into an array of C structs.

Example 3:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <getopt.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <string.h>

#include "mjson.h"


struct devconfig_t {
    char path[PATH_MAX];
    double activated;

struct devlist_t {
    int ndevices;
    struct devconfig_t list[MAXUSERDEVS];

static struct devlist_t devicelist;

static int json_devicelist_read(const char *buf)
    const struct json_attr_t json_attrs_subdevice[] = {
	{"path",       t_string,     STRUCTOBJECT(struct devconfig_t, path),
	                                .len = sizeof(devicelist.list[0].path)},
	{"activated",  t_real,       STRUCTOBJECT(struct devconfig_t, activated)},
    const struct json_attr_t json_attrs_devices[] = {
	{"class", t_check,.dflt.check = "DEVICES"},
	{"devices", t_array, STRUCTARRAY(devicelist.list,
    int status;

    memset(&devicelist, '\0', sizeof(devicelist));
    status = json_read_object(buf, json_attrs_devices, NULL);
    if (status != 0) {
	return status;
    return 0;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    int i, status = 0;

    status = json_devicelist_read(argv[1]);
    printf("%d devices:\n", devicelist.ndevices);
    for (i = 0; i < devicelist.ndevices; i++)
	printf("%s @ %f\n",
	       devicelist.list[i].path, devicelist.list[i].activated);

    if (status != 0)

Here is an example:

$ example3 '{"devices":[{"path":"/dev/ttyUSB0",
1 devices:
/dev/ttyUSB0 @ 1411468340.000000

In this case, the STRUCTARRAY and STRUCTOBJECT macros are clues to what is going on. STRUCTOBJECT is a thin wrapper around offsetof(); STRUCTARRAY sets up the parser to walk through the array of structures, filling each element as it goes.

More formally: structobject arrays are a way to parse a list of objects to a set of modifications to a corresponding array of C structs. The trick is that the array object initialization has to specify both the C struct array’s base address and the stride length (the size of the C struct). If you initialize the offset fields with the correct offsetof calls, everything will work. Strings are supported but all string storage has to be inline in the struct.

Parsing Concatenated Objects

The end param of json_read_object() can be re-used as the cp param to the same. As a result, a simple loop can be used to parse streamed or concatenated root level JSON objects.

Example 4
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

#include "mjson.h"

#define ARR1_LENGTH 8

static bool flag1;
static int arr1[ARR1_LENGTH];
static int arr1_count;

const struct json_attr_t json_attrs_example4[] = {
    {"flag1",      t_boolean,	.addr.boolean = &flag1},
    {"arr1",       t_array,	.addr.array.element_type = t_integer,
				.addr.array.arr.integers = arr1,
				.addr.array.maxlen = ARR1_LENGTH,
				.addr.array.count = &arr1_count},

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    int i, status = 0;

    const char* end = (const char*) argv[1] + strlen((const char*) argv[1]);
    const char* cur = (const char*) argv[1];

    while (cur < end) {
	status = json_read_object(cur, json_attrs_example4, &cur);
	printf("status: %d, flag1: %d\n", status, flag1);
	for (i = 0; i < arr1_count; i++)
	    printf("arr1 = %d\n", arr1[i]);
        if (status != 0)
	arr1_count = 0;

Here is an example:

$ ./example4 '{"flag1":true} {"flag1":0,"arr1":[10,20]}
              {"flag1":1} {"flag1":7, "arr1":[30,40,50]'
status: 0, flag1: 1
status: 0, flag1: 0
arr1 = 10
arr1 = 20
status: 0, flag1: 1
status: 0, flag1: 1
arr1 = 30
arr1 = 40
arr1 = 50

(Test case 18 also illustrates how to use this feature.)

Some Grubby Details

You have to specify the shape of the JSON you expect to parse in advance.

The "shape" of a JSON object is the type signature of its attributes (and attribute values, and so on recursively down through all nestings of objects and arrays). This parser is indifferent to the order of attributes at any level, but you have to tell it in advance what the type of each attribute value will be and where the parsed value will be stored. The template structures may supply default values to be used when an expected attribute is omitted.

The preceding paragraph told one fib. A single attribute may actually have a span of multiple specifications with different syntactically distinguishable types (e.g. string vs. real vs. integer vs. boolean, but not signed integer vs. unsigned integer). The parser will match the right spec against the actual data. (There’s an instance of this in Example 3.)

The dialect this parses has some limitations. First, it cannot recognize the JSON "null" value. Second, all elements of an array must be of the same type. Third, t_character may not be an array element (this restriction could be lifted, and might be in a future release). Third, both attribute names and string values have hard limits; these can be tweaked by modifying the header file.

There are separate entry points for beginning a parse of either a JSON object or a JSON array.

JSON "float" quantities are actually stored as doubles. Note that float parsing uses atof(3) and is thus locale-sensitive - this affects whether period or comma is used as a decimal point. If in any doubt, set the C numeric locale explicitly to match your data source.

You should not assume that the numeric values of error codes are stable. Use the JSON_ERR_* names, not the numbers.

We have been informed that it is possible to core-dump this code by passing NULL or bogus pointers to json_read_object(), so don’t do that. There’s no sanity check against bad arguments in order to keep the library small and light.

Advanced Usage

This code is designed to be stripped down still further; do not be afraid to copy mjson.c and drop out the parts you don’t need (but please leave in my name somewhere as original author).

It is a good idea, when possible, to generate your parse-template structures programmatically from a higher-level description of the JSON. GPSD uses this technique extensively.